Resting. Surgery OK.

by brionic @, Friday, January 04, 2013, 16:38 (4287 days ago)

Bilateral lung resection. Laparoscopy made it easier, but D's recovery was challenging in a different, more acute way, compared to earlier procedures.

Will spare the details, but suffice it to write that we ran into several unexpected issues, both medical and otherwise. He was able to handle his part, and we were confident enough to back off of our issues that he was discharged several days earlier than I had expected.

Since leaving the hospital on Wednesday night, he has regained his happy, fun-loving disposition and has begun tricking me again :-D

Radiation therapy begins next Monday for ten days. We ran a simulation yesterday, to map his anatomy and to familiarize him with the procedure.

I'm leaving tomorrow AM pre-dawn for home. Must replace our vehicle, catch up with the older boys, and heal my aching back which is bruised from hip-to-hip from TWO ice falls. 20+ pounds of hospital-food fatty oblique CAN be used for a softer landing.

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