Gunbroker frustration.....

by Otony, Thursday, December 27, 2012, 16:02 (4295 days ago)
edited by Otony, Thursday, December 27, 2012, 16:09

.....egads, are all the buyers on GB simpletons?

In the past two months, out of approximately 20 sales (to include firearms and accessories), two of my "customers" had the incorrect address listed in their profile resulting in their item being returned, and then reshipped at their expense.

Fully half of my customers inquired as to how much postage was even though it is listed EXACTLY in every auction. Most also ask for my address, which is part of the info available at a click to a winning buyer. It is a simple process, and while I cut a nooby some slack, some of these guys have over a 100 transactions already. Can you say "unclear on the concept"?

I accept only checks or money orders, yet half will ask if I take credit cards or PayPal. Why no, I don't, just like it says in the auction details.

One fellow interested in an AR lower wanted to know why he needed to send an FFL since it is "not a gun yet". OK, that is a misconception, but politely correcting him brought his anger down on me. Guess what? You don't get my lower and all emails were reported to GB. Currently listing for this gent? No longer a registered user.

I could go on (and on!) but since these folks DO send me money it is best to simply swallow my ire and accept the ducats gracefully.


Not a gun yet.

by cas, Thursday, December 27, 2012, 17:12 (4295 days ago) @ Otony

You should have replied "Well then you must be law enforcement, and this is a trap, because you couldn't be that stupid and know what a lower is." ;)

Gunbroker frustration.....

by Drago, Thursday, December 27, 2012, 17:42 (4295 days ago) @ Otony

I had one like that a few years ago. I "won" the auction of a S&W 36. The seller was local and when I suggested we meet at the local gun shop to do the California paperwork, replied that he wouldn't do any paperwork, and that since the gun was bought in the 1980's he didn't have to. I left him feedback of "Refuses to comply with California law."

HAH! Welcome to my world! Lots & Lots of great folks

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Thursday, December 27, 2012, 18:09 (4295 days ago) @ Otony

but enough time stealing, non followers of directions to take up a lot of my time & patience.
Party of the reason I quit selling on ebay was the tiresome nature of some of the folks there. words in black & white meant nothing. Their perception was everything..."NO, the Gun is not included with the 25 dollar holster"... But as I have said; so many great folks everyday. 9 years in business we have passed the 40,000 items built stage in the last month or so. Just a few outstanding jack asses, and a few more simple misunderstandings that got straightened out, in all those good, easy going folks.

Of the Troops & For the Troops

Congrats for the milestone Rob!

by stonewalrus, Thursday, December 27, 2012, 22:21 (4295 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Told my brother he needs a Simply Rugged holster for his new SR9. I fear he will go for cheap nylon but maybe I'll teach him eventually.

One always remembers the trouble makers, not so much

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Thursday, December 27, 2012, 19:01 (4295 days ago) @ Otony

the good guys.

FWIW, I always verify that I've READ the auction correctly by asking if I've got it right. My problem is that I help so many learn (I hope) how to "do Gunbroker" and look at so many auctions myself that I might be confusing info from one with another.

It is "interesting" that one would know what a "lower" is and not know that it is the firearm in-so-far as the law is concerned. Then again, there are some folks who learn a word or two and think they know the whole deal.



had an auction house/dealer try to argue that the upper was

by cable, Friday, December 28, 2012, 10:55 (4294 days ago) @ Hobie

also a firearm .....'because it has a serial number on it. i stayed polite and pointed out that one good double barrel shotguns, the frame, the forend , the barrels, etc. all have the serial number, and so do most of the major parts on a 99 savage, etc. he only agreed to call the BATF and check. he did, and shipped my uppers to me with an apology. nice fellow, but truly misinformed, and worried he would get in trouble.

Other dealers.

by JLF @, Friday, December 28, 2012, 18:11 (4294 days ago) @ cable

The one place where I have little patience is with the stupidity of other dealers. There have been several times where I told a customer that if he wants his gun, he'll have to find another dealer to ship it to. I find being stupid at your own job to be pretty much inexcuseable.


Other dealers.

by Drago, Saturday, December 29, 2012, 03:40 (4293 days ago) @ JLF

I had a dealer in Georgia tell me that a Romanian .22LR bolt-action rifle couldn't be sold to me in California because it had a detachable magazine, making it an "assault rifle". I pointed out to him that the law states," Any centerfire semiutomatic rifle...", but he accused me of trying to trap him into breaking the law.

Store Front?....

by D Sikes @, the Ozarks of Missouri, Thursday, December 27, 2012, 19:29 (4295 days ago) @ Otony


Do you have an actual store that you work out of or do you do the web sales and auctions via your home ... as in homebased FFL?.... the reason I'm asking is that I'm planning to get my FFL, either a type 1 or type 7 after the first of the year with my tax return money...



Store Front?....

by Otony, Thursday, December 27, 2012, 19:44 (4295 days ago) @ D Sikes

No store front and no FFL any longer. I used to have one, but gave it up years ago as too much trouble.

Nowadays the majority of my sales are simply the result of horse-swapping firearms, but any gun I sell is done in accordance with all laws, state and federal.

I try to keep gun sales to a minimum, only a few per year, I prefer to sell accessories. Mostly trying to reduce the stuff here to a manageable amount. The lowers were simply a result of buying a few to stash several weeks ago, and seeing an opportunity to cash up instead of losing money. It's like hobby farming, I don't usually see much profit, but that is simply poor marketing on my part. I will admit to having done ok over the last month or two, but those lowers helped a lot.


Store Front?.... Don, have you ever done retail?

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Thursday, December 27, 2012, 21:58 (4295 days ago) @ D Sikes

Run away!

Of the Troops & For the Troops

Rob has it right. I had a succesful retail career twice...

by John Meeker, Friday, December 28, 2012, 08:30 (4294 days ago) @ D Sikes employee and management. Had departmental FFL responsibilities for goods and staff. Also, high-end diamond jewelry at another time. And each time I ran out of patience with 'the public'. When you're on your game, handling the obvious mental cases, A-hats, ignorant, just plain dumb, lonely, time-wasters, window-shoppers, and on and on and on -- is no real problem. But we live in an increasingly rude and poorly informed world. At some point, the urge to physically inform...,well. It's best not to get there.

I will say that many times I've been at a gun-counter or in a store, when they were busy and understaffed. There is still impulse to jump behind the counter, and give them a hand just for the fun of it. Or while listening to the employee or customer ramble on in the thicket of illusions, to deliver some enlightenment. But I don't -- to quote someone or another --"There's no money in it." ;~`)

If you do really, really, reallly reallllly want to run your own store front, I could arrange a phone interview with a crusty testy old coot friend of mine that has a small shop with limited hours...and does business in FFL transfers.

I have to say, tho, that sometimes when dreams come true, you may wish that the situation was still a dream. But that applies to lots of things, so not to say 'don't do it' but to do it in way that gives you a fair chance at enjoying the process and goals.

15+ Years.

by JLF @, Thursday, December 27, 2012, 20:07 (4295 days ago) @ Otony

I've actually lost track, but I was selling guns on Ebay when they allowed it. Long ago, I concluded that electronic dummies don't bother me, because they all come with a delete button. A dummy in front of you at your table, or store counter doesn't come so equipped. I'm not bothered anyway, and will patiently answer the dumbest questions. I think my feedback reflects this patience, and I'm proud of it. The object of being there at all is to catch flies, and honey works better than vinegar.


Works for me, and I work at both gun and militaria

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Friday, December 28, 2012, 07:51 (4294 days ago) @ JLF




Gunbroker frustration.....

by Warhawk, Hot Springs, Arkansas, Thursday, December 27, 2012, 21:08 (4295 days ago) @ Otony

I had been thinking about thinning the herd on my AR-15s anyway, and this latest buying frenzy is the perfect opportunity. So I listed a few on GB and sat back for the ride.

I got tons of questions, ranging from uninformed to WTF? I had one guy who was convinced that an AR-15 pistol was illegal and emailed me several times to tell me. I also had all kinds of questions, from "will you end the auction early" to technical questions. Funny thing is that as far as I can tell, NONE of the questioners ever bid on anything, certainly none of them had a winning bid.

I also had several bidders with no feedback. I could have blocked them, but I figured they might be new to guns and buying because of the current frenzy. I wound up with two "no feedback bidders" who won auctions, and lo and behold I can't get a response from either one.

On the plus side, the ARs brought prices that I wouldn't have believed two weeks ago. Nothing really outrageous, but for example, a plain jane home built PSA AR brought $1400. Of course the winner was a no feedback buyer.

I'll give them a couple of days then re-list and hope the buying frenzy continues.

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