Question about a C&R FFL.....

by Harry O-1, Sunday, December 23, 2012, 13:58 (4299 days ago)

I have had one for a few years, but have not used it to buy a gun, at least yet. I have been doing some reading at the BATF website and have a question.

I have bought a few guns at gunshows or hock-shops in recent years that were obviously C&R eligible. However, I filled out the 4473 for them and bought them just like any normal person. I have read some places that even though it has a 4473, I also have to enter it into my C&R bound-book. I have also read some places that if it has a 4473, I don't have to put it in my bound-book. Which is correct?

I have been reading the BATF website and have not found that exact question answered. Does anyone here know of anything in writing on the BATF website that will say for sure one way or another.

How about guns that could be or might not be C&R eligible? I don't have books with every serial number for every gun available. I have a few guns that I have bought that would be C&R eligible when they first started building them, but are NOT eligible if it was near the end of their production. I cannot break it down any closer than that. I imagine if I put a gun in the C&R book and it was not eligible, it would be a serious offense.

BTW, I was next door to a Dick's Sporting Goods today and decided to look into their gun section (after hearing they are getting out of gun sales). They have cleared out any evil-looking black guns. The have a number of bolt-action centerfire rifles (no semi-autos), a number of pump-action shotguns (no semi-autos) and a few semi-auto .22LR's. I was there 2 or 3 weeks ago when they were selling an AR-15 for $700 and there was a line of people buying them. I was holding one of the last ones in my hand, but I could not bring myself to buy something that ugly. I handed it to the next guy, who bought it.

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