The current response is no different than it was after 9-11

by AkRay, Saturday, December 22, 2012, 14:36 (4300 days ago)

Immediately after September 11th, the suggestion was made to arm pilots so they would be able to defend their aircraft against lethal takeover by hijackers. There was also talk about armed sky marshals or air marshals who would be placed on certain flights as a deterrent/defense against hijackers. I found it hard to believe that there was so much resistance to these ideas from the jokers on the left side of the issue. The idea made great sense to me, since armed pilots or sky marshals would have been able to stop the terror without further incident.

Today, this same sort of person is putting out a lot of noise and hatred toward guns and their law abiding owners while rejecting without consideration solutions that have been proven to work. We really do need to make our public schools harder targets by installing safes in the principal's office and encouraging the principal and others to store defensive firearms there. The current response plan for schools across the country when breached by a dangerous person is for teachers to clear the halls of people, lock their classroom doors and turn off the lights while keeping everyone quiet. They then cower in fear while and wait for an all clear signal. After almost two decades, this is still the best solution these people can come up with. As you and I know, this is a policy founded in denial and fostered by well meaning idiots that results in good people dying when they could have been safe from harm.

We need an arms in our schools, just as we do on our commercial aircraft. This can be an obvious presence with police or security guards, or it can be firearms quietly and safely secured in the principal's office. The NRA came out with a reasonable and proper solution and the leftists are trying to get us to reject it. We need to train school age kids and our school staff members in how to be safe around firearms. We also need to change our mindset from "it can't happen here," to "we will have the means to stop it if it ever does happen here."

School districts receive funding based on the number of students enrolled in their schools. It's all about pupils in seats. When students are taken out of the public schools and put in home school or private schools, it costs the school district money. When you start to mess with their bottom line, they start to listen to your reasons for pulling your students out. This is especially true when lots of parents pull their students out. School boards have meetings where they listen to input from the public. When enough people start testifying at school board meetings to tell them their children aren't safe in their schools, and then back it up by removing their children from the schools they will have to listen and then act.

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