10 years working for the same company

by Dennis Eugene @, Prince of Wales Island Alaska, Saturday, December 22, 2012, 10:01 (4300 days ago)

Last night at our annual company Christmas dinner(there's 8 soon to be 9 of us working at the Craig Branch)there were gifts given out to those of us with milestones to celebrate. Travel, both time and expense prohibit us from have one big party so each branch does there own thing. We had three of the 8 of us reaching milestones. Clinton hit the 5 year mark and received a nice gift of a pocket knife very much like the one I received at my five year mark nicely engraved and our Port Manager Mike received a very nice Glass/Acrylic? plaque in honer of his 20 years of service. Myself hitting the milestone of 10 years which is the one our Company owners consider the big one received a very nice gift of a Ruger SR1911. One of which I will cherish and keep forever. Thanks for letting me Share/brag. Dennis[image] [image]

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