Welcome Nate! Here's some advice...

by pokynojoe, Saturday, December 22, 2012, 09:40 (4300 days ago) @ Hoot

And a few gems of wisdom I've picked up along the way:

1. Learn to read as soon as you can, and get a library card, you'll thank me for this later.

2. Don't drink, smoke, gamble, or chase women. I've already done enough of this for both of us. There's lot'sa other ways to have fun, or so I'm told.

3. In spite of everything everyone will tell you, fried is better than grilled, baked, boiled etc.

4. Be good to your family, when this thing called "life" is over, you'll realize that's all you really have, if your lucky.

5. Study hard, and learn all you can. When you're finished school, move around, alot. It's harder to hit a moving target. If you really want to experience freedom, only own as much as you can fit into the back of VW beetle, with the back seat in the up position. I lived the first thirty years of my life like this, and it's the only time I was truly free, trust me on this.

6. After you accomplish the above, find a girl, get married, and start a family of your own. You will need to do this, if you desire to have a long and happy life. Also, if you find yourself after 45 years of toil that you can no longer work and you pissed away what money you should have saved all those years(SEE 2 above)you will need to have sons and daughters that can support you and keep you in the style of living to which you have become accustomed.

7. NEVER, under any circumstances, learn to read a racing form! (SEE 2 above).

8. At some point in your life, go live some where were nobody knows you, and you don't speak the language.

9. Learn to speak a language other than the one you've been born with, doesn't matter which one. This is one of my biggest regrets in life. Learn two, if you take a notion.

10. Learn to make "change" without a calculator, computer, or other such device. You'll understand the reason for this when you get older and impatient.

11. Learn the value of hard work, if you do, then you'll enjoy it ever so much more when you play hard.

12. Never go to a doctor until the age of 60, or older. They will always find something wrong with you, always. Also, I've known too many doctors of my generation that couldn't pass calculus, and couldn't get into Vet school. You need to think about that.

Lastly, I have given you some practical advice. You will also need a spiritual component to your life, but that is the domain of your Mom and Pop, so pay attention to them.

Good luck!

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