Funding won't be the problem

by Catoosa, Friday, December 21, 2012, 21:19 (4301 days ago) @ Charles

The problem will not be funding, or liability. or any other excuse that anyone can think of. The problem with NRA's plan will be ATTITUDE! The attitude of the media, the political elite class, and those placard-waving cretins that the cameras and microphones lovingly followed for as long as they could be seen and heard. All those people hate the NRA and what it stands for, as well as anyone who does not think like they do, and anything proposed or espoused by the NRA will be met only with contempt and ridicule from them.

I almost threw up on my keyboard watching that. LaPierre stood there almost pleading for some small scrap of understanding and consideration of a practical, well-thought-out plan of action, and was met only with scorn and contempt from the audience. I am afraid we must recognize, finally, that we are hated by many people in our own country for what we believe in, and we are on the way to becoming an oppressed minority in the nation that was built by folks like us.

Giving up ain't in my makeup, so I guess it's fight however we have to even if there's not much hope. That attitude got my ancestors run out of Scotland in the 1600s, but this time there is no "new world" where we can go seeking the freedom lost to us here.

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