Cold, callus gun control talk.

by cas, Thursday, December 20, 2012, 19:50 (4302 days ago)

I work in a sea of liberal minded folks. No amount of talking or reasoning will change their minds (on any subject). But over the years I've learned that sometimes I can hit them over the head with obvious facts, and for an ever brief moment some reason or objectiveness sneaks in.

My angle with them on this latest awfulness has been.. "yeah, so?" Yes it's awful, yes it's a tragedy. Yes I feel horrible for the families. (I also remind them that this effects me MUCH more than it does them for many reasons.)

But I continue with "So what?" "Almost 3k people died on 9/11. Did we ban airplanes? Of course not, because it was a lone act. Actually it was four planes and many people but still, it was one event out of thousands of flights that day. 30-40 thousand Americans die in car accidents every year, do we ban cars? Of course not. Because it's a small percentage. But one guy kills 28 people and we have to ban "assault rifles". Do you know what that means? It means that 40+ million other gun owners in the country DIDN'T kill anyone that day. In the tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of so called assault rifles in the country, ONE was misused, and everyone is screaming to ban them. That's crazy."

When they go down the "need" road, I ask them how fast their car goes. the speed limit here is 55mph. The highest in our state is 65. Why do they need a car that goes 100-140 mph? No wonder so many people die. My God we've got to do something! A number of them smoke.. I ask them why they "need" cigarettes, especially when 400K+ people die from it every year.

I'm tired of being nice to stupid people.

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