Letter to the Editor

by Rod M, Thursday, December 20, 2012, 16:14 (4302 days ago)

I can't stand it any more. All the lies and ignorance from the main stream media, liberals, and big government types. I'm going to send a letter of the editor of the local paper. Here is what I'm planning to send:

The anti-rights crowd is at it again. They say nobody needs an AR-15 rifle. They say AR-15 rifles can’t be used for hunting. They are lying or ignorant of the facts, or, I suspect, both. The AR-15 rifle is modular, with separate upper unit (barrel and sights) and lower unit (stocks and trigger). I can think of 10 different caliber easily interchangeable uppers, all useful and used for hunting. The Second Amendment is not about hunting, though. It was meant to protect the people’s means to protect themselves from tyrannical government. The sales figures for AR-15 rifles after President Obama’s election and recent re-election are proof that many gun owners have drawn their line in the sand – here, and no further.

Is there anything I should add, keeping in mind the length limit of letters to the editor?


Rod M

Letter to the Editor

by Charles, Thursday, December 20, 2012, 16:21 (4302 days ago) @ Rod M

If the purpose is to just vent your spleen and feel better, then send it as it.

If you purpose is to give information to those who dont have it and perhaps win a few to our side, then don't sent it without changes.

1. When you call anybody ignorant people will see you as arrogant and a know it all.

2. when you call people liars, then you will come accross as combative and demeaning. Even those leaning your way will be turned off.

Folks can be wrong and uniformed without being either ignorant or liars. When you show no respect for others and their opinions, then folks will show no respect for yours. It is possible to diagree without being disagreeable.

Just state your case and give you facts without attacking those who disagree with you.

Well, you asked....

Letter to the Editor

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Thursday, December 20, 2012, 17:36 (4302 days ago) @ Rod M

"The sales figures for AR-15 rifles after President Obama’s election and recent re-election are proof that many gun owners have drawn their line in the sand – here, and no further."

I would change it to read, "The sales figures for AR-15 rifles after President Obama’s election and recent re-election are proof that many Americans have drawn their line in the sand – here, and no further."

Why? Because we've sold these guns to people who own NO OTHER FIREARM. Why? Because they felt the need to own NO OTHER FIREARM. By virtue of buying this one gun they are NOW gun owners but weren't when they made the purchase. Some have, we know, bought other firearms to cover all the bases or to enable them to carry concealed since the shootings in Aurora, CO and Clackamas, OR. They don't hunt, don't shoot except to "practice" and while they might enjoy their "practice" they don't buy the ammo (NONE reload) for frivolous reasons. Yes, many gun owners/enthusiasts/hobbyists have bought one or another to "beat the ban" but such purchases aren't exclusive to gun owners/enthusiasts/hobbyists.

I'd add that since God felt it was necessary to include the commandment to not murder in the 10 commandments many thousands of years ago, mankind by and large has not changed much and governments still kill their citizens to force them to do things.

That's just my take.



Letter to the Editor

by Cherokee @, Medina, Ohio, Thursday, December 20, 2012, 18:23 (4302 days ago) @ Hobie

I would reword the letter as suggested or as you may determine upon reflection. I made the mistake of veting publicly one time and it did not help. Firm but measured response is potentially more productive. Just saying....

Yep, public vetting not always the best choice. My

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Thursday, December 20, 2012, 18:33 (4302 days ago) @ Cherokee

opinion is just that and no more. And, I won't love you any less for ignoring me. :-D



Letter to the Editor

by Paul ⌂, Friday, December 21, 2012, 06:51 (4301 days ago) @ Rod M

I'd avoid "the anti-rights crowd" and probably use something like, "Once more we are being barraged by emotional appeals that ignore logic and reason."

Charles and Hobie also have some good suggestions. If we use calm logic then we will reach those who ARE interested in the best course. We need to offer solutions and we also need to throw the blame where it belongs, on those who create places where people are defenseless. A "gun free zone" is only as good as the ARMED guards and the weapons detection system used on EVERY ONE entering the zone. Any mere sign is an invitation to every deranged individual to enter and cause havoc at leisure.

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