Gun lobbyist ready to give up Alan Korwin Page Nine

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Wednesday, December 19, 2012, 18:58 (4303 days ago)

A gun lobbyist, traumatized by the evil in Newton, Conn., under pressure by reporters for an interview, asked me desperately for help. What is he supposed to say? How can he respond to such slaughter, how can he defend guns in the light of this massacre? He is at his wit's end, ready to give up, throw in the towel. Help me please, he implores. What can he say in the face of such an abomination? There are no words. And there aren't any.

Why does the media only cover guns in the face of such tragedy? Why don't they discuss it when we can examine the subject coolly and rationally, and maybe get somewhere?

Because then we might learn something. Because then the public could become educated, and the media does not really want this to happen. Because then you might learn that guns have social utility, and are indispensable -- thatguns serve good purposes -- instead of being pounded with the hopelessly false idea that arms are bad...

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