The panic is in effect. How it is expressed seems to be a

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Tuesday, December 18, 2012, 16:32 (4304 days ago) @ Charles

regional thing.

I was told, please bear in mind those words, that one distributor had 4000 Glock 19s on hand has Thursday and they were sold out on Monday. At least one distributor limited all accounts to no more than 2 of each BRAND of AR-15 type rifle and was likewise, selling out. 5.56mm and 7.62mm ammo is selling rather briskly in our area. I sold 5 cases yesterday. Our shop sold 18 AR-15s in the past 4 days. Customers range in age from 22 to 85, of all races, mostly of the lower level economic groups (because they hadn't bought theirs earlier I think), and even include Obama supporters (according to the bumper stickers still adorning their cars). Rumors abound, I heard all sorts of things that don't seem to have been reported anywhere. Yes, there is a panic.

FWIW I just wrote my federal reps...

"Given recent events we are moved to write you about what will obviously be a push for "gun" control. We must point out that despite the supposedly 5th strictest controls in the country, the Sandy Hook shooter was able to steal his mother's rifle, pistols, and (apparently) other firearms as well as her car after murdering her to commit the acts which have inflamed the nation. That he was obviously insane enough to have murdered his own mother seems to have NOT been considered important.

We believe that the truth is that "gun" control is not the aim of firearms ownership restrictions but rather PEOPLE control. I am therefore opposed to further restrictions on the ownership of firearms.

We will expect you to vote against any bills enacting further restrictions and will work against any candidate for any public office who supports such acts.

What is needed is comprehensive medical reform, other than the so-called Obamacare, which ensures that mentally ill people with a tendency to violence such as purportedly exhibited by Alan Lanza be hospitalized and treated. This is not what is being done now.




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