Responsible for their own actions.....

by Byron, Tuesday, December 18, 2012, 13:19 (4304 days ago) @ Charles

Best estimates are that 20 percent of the population is anti-social if one uses the definition of those "actively opposed to any betterment activity or group".

Best estimates are that 3 to 5 percent of the male population actively fit the diagnosis of sociopath if one uses the definiton of "a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience".

The majority of these are are very bright (more so than the general population) and highly functional though they have a completely different outlook on life and those around them.

When this anti-social/sociopath personality is combined with mental illness bad things happen.

Regardless of the diagnosis, economics, concern about civil rights or desire to help everyone, many of these cats should be institutionalized simply as a matter of course.

When I was in high school in the late '60, there were no "special ed" students in my class. This in a senior graduating class of 1000. In the local high school the "special ed" program is the largest and most expensive in the system. There are a number of "special" students that require two male handlers, one on each elbow to walk them between classes to prevent interaction with the other students. 50 years ago they would be in state facilities.

One can say that everyone is responsible for their own actions but there are a lot more crazy people "out there" that were not "out there" in the past and they are a clear and present danger to public safety in and of themselves.


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