It seems to me

by Catoosa, Monday, December 17, 2012, 21:58 (4305 days ago)

that if the government wants to "do something" to prevent more school shootings, the effort would best spent using the direct approach: Formulate a security plan for schools and put some money (we all know that the government "doing something" involves spending money) into upgrading those scools. As in restricted access, hardened entrances, and training and arming staff. We have to accept that schools are high-value targets for any nutcase who has a grudge against society, or any terrorist who wants to hurt and demoralize the American public.

Protecting the "innocence" of children is asinine. One of the most important things we can teach them is that there are real monsters in the world and that they have to be dealt with. Why is this so difficult for so many people, particularly those in the education establishment, to accept?

Please pardon the rant, my friends - just wondering.....

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