Free mutt Shelter Rescue/dogpound

by John Meeker, Sunday, December 16, 2012, 23:52 (4306 days ago) @ Byron

Dunno how it is locally, but recently those places around here [NW Ohio]screen intakes for behavior and health. There's a fair chance that a couple of big mixed breed Retrievers, or something like Byron describes, can be adopted. The 'yote thing really needs two dogs anyway, since a team of yowlers are not averse to fresh dog, either.

While it's interesting to own and use challenging breed dogs, it's not for everyone. We like and own Chessies, so I can empathize with those occasional 'timberwolf' moments, as were mentioned. The males can be pretty Alpha, but females can be downright killers on 'discourteous & improper behavior" issues. Mammalian Rudeness by varmints and other canines just ain't tolerated.

However, having been involved in foster dogging and rescue, I'd think a younger couple [adolescent/young adult] would do just fine. As noted above, farm-wise mixed breeds can be smart and grateful for a home. Mebbe at least one of them being of 'the enforcer' size.

Mentioning that was a good idea, thank You26ts8

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