by Catoosa, Tuesday, December 11, 2012, 14:41 (4311 days ago)

The Christmas Song - 2012 Version (with sincere apologies to Nat King Cole)

Chipmunks roastin' on an open fire
Raccoons nibblin' on yo' toes
We spendin' Christmas livin' out in the woods
'Cause the house done been foreclosed.

Everbody knows the economy is down the tubes
Nobody got no bread to spend
Santy Claus done laid all the elveses off
And they livin' in the reindeer pen.

Global warmin' gonna get us all
Snow is just a memory
Santy had to sell the sleigh - we ate the reindeer anyway
And the campfire used to be our Christmas tree.

Obama says we all got change and hope
He's gonna make it all look bright
How's he gonna do that when the goverment is broke
And TVA done turned out all the lights?

We gotta suck it up and hunker down
Cave men is what we're gonna be
Livin' in a hole at the bottom of the cliff
But we'll be livin' fiscally responsibly!

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