Got to do a little bragging on my boy.

by Wildcat, Flint Hills of Kansas, Sunday, December 09, 2012, 20:25 (4313 days ago)

My son Thomas just turned 13 and has been wanting to deer hunt something terrible for a long time. My brother has a son close to the same age that has been hunting since age 9 and really doesn't seem to appreciate it. I held off with Tom until this year. He had a blast last weekend and was quit e happy when I got my buck. Yesterday he missed a shot learning you aim low when on an angle, not higher. Today was his day. He had church in the morning, so we didn't get out till about 2:30. The wind was a cold NW wind at about 20-30 mph. He wanted to hunt alone so I set him up on a patch of wheat alongside some CRP I figured the deer would be bedded in. At 5:20 I heard one shot. He dropped this young fellow at about 50 yards with his .250 Savage.


He is absolutely hooked on hunting. I warned him though, next year we let these young guys slide by and wait for the big ones!

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