Opinions/recommendations on large SUV?

by brionic @, Saturday, December 08, 2012, 15:47 (4314 days ago)

We are looking for a new vehicle to ferry us around for the next several months and I wonder if you have any pointers. I have been out of SUVS for the better part of a decade, having transitioned to the less manly but more child-centric minivan... which we have since outgrown.

We are looking at larger SUVs, with space for three boys and a dog, plus medical equipment, etc. Roof pod is unattractive as a storage option due to our needing to access hospital parking structures ('ramps' in midwestish)

I have sort of zeroed in on the Yukon XL, but am open to any and all advice/horror stories. I have no desire to fry a transmission while on Dashiell's Make a Wish trip like we did with our Honda, a few years ago.


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