History is repeating itself.

by Charles, Monday, December 03, 2012, 13:16 (4319 days ago) @ Rob Leahy
edited by Charles, Monday, December 03, 2012, 21:51

Obama isn't the first President to circumvent Congress, bully the Courts and violate the Constitution wholesale, for what the felt to to be the "greater good". Obama is following in the footsteps of Abraham Lincoln, but has a long way to go to catch up.

Read what Lincoln did, in an ojective way, looking at how he governed with respect to the laws and the Constitution and you will come to the same conclusion. Obama is not stupid and knows what Lincoln got away with and how history has diefied him. It is amazing how a bullet in the back of the head will transform a tyrant into a saint, speaking of Lincoln of course.

He keeps up and no doubt there will be an armed insurrection of some kind. Whether or not it will be sucessful remains to be seen.

The sky may not be falling yet, but there are very dark clouds gathering on the horizon. Watch, stay alert, employ your critical thinking skill and keep your powder dry.

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