Just saw a post elsewhere ...

by Warhawk, Hot Springs, Arkansas, Saturday, December 01, 2012, 17:55 (4321 days ago) @ Charles

... that says Wal Mart is selling CCI Mini Mags in bulk packs, 1600 rounds in a green plastic ammo can for just under $100.

I bought a 4000 round case of American Eagle (Federal) 22 LR several years ago, and still have a good bit of it. I'm kind of saving what I have left, not sure why.

I have bought a variety of other 22LR over the years, and this American Eagle stuff and CCI are the best I've found. Remington Golden Box, like they sell in 500+ round boxes, is so bad that I gave the last of it I had away with the disclaimer that half of them probably wouldn't go off.

Winchester is selling "premium" (for lack of a better term) .22 LR ammo in 100 count plastic boxes like CCI mini mags come in. This stuff is good ammo, but is just as expensive as CCI.

I believe I'm going to stock up on the 1600 round bulk packs of mini mags.

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