Amazing Meeting

by Art @, Littleton, Colorado, Friday, November 30, 2012, 15:03 (4322 days ago)

The restaurant White Fence Farm in Lakewood Colorado offers veterens a free meal during the month of November in honor of Vetrens Day. My wife and I were there yesterday eving and I was wearing my Air Force cap. A gentleman came over to us who was also weraing a Air Force cap to see if we were aware of the free offer. I casualy asked him what Air Force command he was in and he said Headquaters Command. I gave my wife a look since I was also in that command. You have to relize that Headquaters Command back in the day did very classified work. I told him I was stationed in Boulder Wyoming and he took a step back and said to my disbelief he was also stationed there. Come to find out we both knew each other but I guess the years have taken a toll. There were only about 15 of us stationed there. He informed me that there is a West Coast alumni for members of the old command and he gave me all the info about. He said the airmen out at Buckly AFB east of Denver host us once a year and there are other functions as well. This has really got my jucies flowing and am looking forward to this.

Thanks for listening to an old Air Force Staff Sargent.


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