Good gear is hard to find. If it works, stick with it.

by cas, Tuesday, November 27, 2012, 12:50 (4325 days ago)

I finally remembered to snap a photo of this last week, though I'm almost afraid to tell people because I don't want to jinx myself.

I have a great old pair of wool pants I wear hunting, been wearing them for years. I look a little odd in them, sort of "retro", but since half the time I'm hunting with an antique rifle anyway, they fit right in. ;-)

Somewhere back in the early 90's my father picked these pants up real cheap at an army surplus store in Newport RI. I've been wearing them ever since.


They're Swedish Army surplus, and that's about all I ever knew about them. I figured they were old but I never knew how old. Heck I've been wearing them for 20 years now.

Two hunting seasons ago I was looking them over good and found marking on the front of the pockets I never knew were there before.


Among them the date when they were made.


"OMG I'm wearing 70 year old pants!?" is what I said out loud.

Well now I'm wearing 72 year old pants. :-D

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