Old School Reloading

by lee jurras @, Hagerman,NM, Wednesday, November 14, 2012, 14:55 (4338 days ago) @ Charles

Charles I started similarly but at age 12 in 1946. Was fortunate to be mentored by such stalarts as Jerry Gebby, Lyle Kilborn and spent the summer of 1950 hanging around Whelen's gun shop in DC. Quite a few of the old timers came in and a real education listening to them talk guns and hunting. Used straight line stuff back then Had a 22-250 builtb by Hervey Lovell in 1939. The only components I had were what was available prior to WW2. Old metal IMR cans, member them? Some homemade bullets and some old Sisk bullets. Those were the good ole days. Huda thunk some day my LR varmint rifle would be a 300 Win Mag that puts 3 shots into 1/2" at 500 yds?? Back in the late 40's a 250 yd shot was a long one. Now its a 44 Mag shot.

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