Prodigal returns?

by BJ Snow @, Wednesday, October 31, 2012, 19:43 (4352 days ago)

April 2009, my pet Ruger .45 Blackhawks, customized by me, was stolen out of my truck in my driveway. The police have yet to show ANY interest. Tonight, a young man handed it back to me. Too long a story to type on a cell phone, but, happy am I! It was always with me and I have missed it sorely. Now to trace the "owners" back to the SOB who stole it, and try to make it up to the people who bought it in good faith. I don't want any innocents hurt, but I would like to punish the thief. I thought pawn shops had to report all guns to the police for a serial # check against the stolen gun list. Apparently I was wrong.

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