1911 Build from GI Remington Rand parts

by RangerBob, Monday, October 29, 2012, 05:53 (4355 days ago)

Dad and I were going through his shed this weekend. Dad had done the same thing 30 years ago when grandpa died, and he had a lot of Grandpa's old gun tools.

Grandpa was a WV coal miner, but also did just about anything that needed doing. In his later years he was a gunsmith . . . . a pretty good one. One of his hobbies (forgive him) was gold plating various on guns (triggers, hammers, safety levers, etc.)

This weekend we found nearly all of the parts to an old GI 1911 build by Remington Rand. As expected, some of the parts had been gold plated.

But . . . we never found the frame.

I suspect that this might have been an old Sarco parts kit and never had a frame. I can't think of any other reason the frame would be missing.

I would like to attempt to put these parts back together into a working 1911.

Where do you think I should start? Where would I get a frame that might work with the old GI slide (which, btw, is complete with extractor and firing pin).

Thanks for any help.


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