Living below the radar?

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Sunday, October 21, 2012, 12:14 (4363 days ago)

I am tired of hearing otherwise patriotic Americans talk about buying guns below the radar, no paperwork, no added attention. I heard a friend, a man I know is a good man ask to buy a couple AR's, but space the purchases out so that the added paperwork involved did not gain any possible undo ATF attention... How many times have folks, including me, joked/bragged about this gun can't be traced back to me...all the yahoo's walking around gun shows looking for guns without paperwork...has that become the modern Americans standard- live below the radar? This thinking is so Selfish and so short sighted... incrementally we gain and loose rights while ignoring the bigger picture...our nation is sliding downhill while we try and stay below the radar.
I have grown to find this type of thinking obscene; why should a free man in a free nation even begin to think this way?
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