The negative aspects...

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Sunday, October 21, 2012, 07:18 (4363 days ago) @ Sarge
edited by Sarge, Sunday, October 21, 2012, 07:47

are its sights and stock. Both are critical elements of hitting well and quickly at distance. When I shot the passable group shown in the first post, I had overcast skies and a perfect sight picture. I shot again yesterday, in bright sunlight from a steep angle, and doubled the group size.

If the 200 yard exercise proved nothing else, it is that this particular specimen shoots well enough to justify decent sights and an optic. There are lots of side-rail mounts for the AK, the better examples pricing around a C-note. Same goes for sights. Frankly I've never liked the side-rail, which is one thing to snag stuff and a nuisance when slinging the rifle across your back. I'd just as soon the damn thing wasn't on there.

I'm thinking this might be a slick way to solve both problems at once. They seem to have solved most of the problems associated with dust cover mounts.


Thank you for the interest and kind words.

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