Pre-season roundball shooting...

by Sarge, Saturday, December 10, 2011, 21:08 (4680 days ago)

Our muzzle-loader deer season starts in about a week, so I decided to shoot my old .54 Hawken today. It sat with a load in it since last winter, and it fired without hesitation on the first cap.


If there are 101 uses for a dead cat then dead terrorists ought to have some utility, too. I stapled OBL up in front of the logpile, held on his do-rag and let a few rip at about 120 yards. There was about a 10-12 mph crosswind from right to left, so I expected a little drift and wasn’t disappointed. I’m running a 230 grain patched .530 ball over 90 grains of Triple Seven, for a chronographed 1810 feet per second from this particular gun. The group is six shots in about six inches and it includes one right adjustment between the 3rd and 4th shot. The old gun got moved & stored over the summer and I'm certain in was dead on the money last fall. I’ll have to shoot it again on a calm day and see if I need to adjust it a tad more.


While I haven't cornered the market on accuracy here, it is sufficient to put some venison on the ground at the ranges at which I'll be hunting.

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