Ticked off...

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Saturday, June 22, 2013, 18:27 (4116 days ago)

I don't give a donkey's tail about Paula Deen but the attitude about her self-admitted singular use of a particular word in a discussion about that word just ticks me off. I had to drop Food Network a line...

"I want to thank Food Network for choosing the politically correct path and immediately axing a woman who confessed to using an unacceptable word 30-40 years ago. Please immediately fire all the other Food Network stars who have used that word, or similar pejoratives such as "cracker", "whitey", "Uncle Tom", "Dago", "WOP", "Mick", "Kraut", "hick", "hillbilly", "redneck", "red man", "injun", and so forth even if they did so 40+ years ago. Yes, I know that will eliminate all your current talent and management from the network but it is a small price to pay. We can't be too diligent in pursuing these inconsiderate low-lifes and purifying our society."

It was foolish and silly of me to waste my time and I felt I had to do a public mea culpa.



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